Here at Engelhardt Immobilien KG, showing commitment to social issues is something that comes naturally. We therefore support and promote a range of social and sport-related projects.

Plan Deutschland e. V.
We have pledged to sponsor children in Haiti and Uganda through the development and humanitarian organisation Plan Deutschland e. V. (part of Plan International). Plan works for and with children, pursuing child-oriented community development, in line with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Donations go to sustainable self-help projects rather than to the children or their families.

Arms Around the Child
We support the construction of a school from ghana by Becky's Home Foundation.

Top Ten Budo-Akademie e. V.
Engelhardt Immobilien KG has provided and continues to provide substantial support for a project that involved the transformation of a warehouse into a martial arts school for children and young people. Children at this school learn to respect rules and discipline from an early age – whether it is giving the traditional greeting, having a clean kit or listening when the coach is explaining something. We continue to support the Top Ten Budo-Akademie and we wish it every success!

Indira Brenke and Caroline Eggert’s beach volleyball team
By supporting Indira Brenke and Caroline Eggert's beach volleyball team, Engelhardt Immobilien KG seeks to promote this sport, which is attractive to people of all ages. At all levels of play, beach volleyball is an enjoyable sport that offers an excellent combination of leisure, team spirit, athletics, action, fun and competition.